Family and inheritance Law
In the world where financial and legal landscapes are continuously changing, tax planning and structuring become critically important for affluent private clients. These services not only help optimize the tax burden but also ensure effective management and transfer of wealth to future generations while preserving family wealth.
Who is it relevant for?

The services are targeted at affluent private clients who are looking for ways to protect and manage their capital inheritance, and need a comprehensive approach to tax and family-inheritance planning. It is relevant for those who seek to ensure a transparent and efficient transfer of assets to heirs while minimizing the tax burden and managing potential risks.

Why is it important?

Properly structured tax and inheritance planning allow clients to reduce the tax burden and ensure their assets are transferred to future generations according to their wishes without unnecessary legal disputes or financial losses.

's services include
Tax Planning and Structuring
  • assessment of the tax burden on heirs, considering the need to pay taxes abroad

  • development of structures to ensure a predictable inheritance process using:

    - Foreign legal mechanisms (trusts/foundations) and support for their establishment; and/or

    - Russian legal mechanisms (complex determination of all parts of inheritance, inheritance/personal funds, closed-end mutual funds (ZPIF), wills, and other mechanisms) and support for their execution (e.g., acting as an executor)

Family and Inheritance Planning
  • development of a family inheritance concept for transferring wealth to heirs

  • drafting prenuptial agreements and wills

  • acting as an executor, managing personal/inheritance funds

  • support in the formalization of inheritance rights

  • support in the formalization of inheritance rights

Corporate and Legal Aspects
  • conducting legal due diligence and identifying risks in the current corporate structure and management mechanisms, and formulating recommendations to eliminate identified risks

  • preparation of a plan for creating a corporate succession system, recommendations, and documents

  • development of the optimal legal structure for the group, including various management and control mechanisms to ensure long-term development and growth, protection, and achievement of goals

  • drafting all necessary legal documents

  • legal support for the reorganization of legal entities and participation in management bodies

  • creating mechanisms to protect the business and guarantee the interests of the entire family or individual successors

Case Examples
International inheritance optimization
Case #1
The client wishes to ensure that its international assets are transferred to heirs with minimal tax burden and compliance with all legal requirements
What has been done
The client wishes to ensure that its international assets are transferred to heirs with minimal tax burden and compliance with all legal requirements
Thanks to the job done, the client was provided with a smooth transfer of assets and tax optimization
Establishing a family foundation to manage inherited capital
Case #2
The client aims to create a structure that will efficiently manage family capital and ensure its preservation for future generations
What has been done
A family fund established with clearly defined rules for asset distribution and management, including appointing an executor
The established family fund made it possible to preserve capital and allowed to transfer the same to heirs based on the will of the testator
Comprehensive corporate and legal planning to protect your business
Case #3
An ultra-high-net-worth entrepreneur is interested in creating a sustainable corporate succession system capable of protecting the interests of the business and family
What has been done
A legal examination of the current corporate structure was conducted, recommendations for eliminating risks and developing business protection mechanisms were given
Guarantee of long-term development and growth, including protection of the interests of the entire family
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